Underwater noise, a global issue and threat, now also receives attention from the United Nations. From 18th to 22nd of June 2018, an international meeting at the UN Headquarters in New York, USA, will deal exclusively with the increasing noise pollution of the world’s oceans. Nicolas Entrup is part of the OceanCare team of experts and will give a lecture about potential socioeconomic impacts. Please go to OceanCare’s press release for further details about the problem, the meeting, two side-events hosted by OceanCare and partners, and links for more in-depth information. It is largely a result of the efforts by Sigrid Lüber, president of OceanCare, that the underwater noise issue now reached this political level. It was her who first addressed the issue of ocean noise at the United Nations in 2004. Since then, it has been a priority issue for the marine conservation organisation OceanCare.